Each class helps you work towards reaching your "Let's Train" Goals
Let's Train !!

 One on One Training at our training grounds or at your home.

What does this encompass?                                                                            Well basically whatever your specific needs are with your precious fur baby.                                                                                                                       Do you have problems with your dog jumping on people when they visit?                                                                                                                           Do you need to train your dog to wait at a safe space when cars drive in?                                                                                                                                Do you just need help and guidelines to ensure that your dog lives his happiest life with you and your family?                                                                Well that's what we here for, we will guide and help you to work through any issues with kind and gentle training. We love to "be the bridge" between you and your dog weather it be just a teenager that is acting up or a major behavioural issue. 



Join us for a Zoom class (again from the comfort on your home – we suggest the garden).  Maximum of 6 people log on and our K9 Trainers lead the class and demonstrates with one of their own dogs (so they has to work with all the same issues the students are struggling with).

This setup is suitable for everyone, even the kids can participate, or more than 1 dog.  It all depends how much focus will be required from all involved.

The reason we have started online classes is to help to ensure that you can continue to train despite illness, travel difficulties or needing to be at home with you babies, building up the dogs current skills set, building your confidence with you and your dog and the simple truth is… is FUN and a tired pup is a happy peaceful sleeping one.


Beginning the process to a well trained, well balanced and polite dog.

Learning basic commands. 

Learning a couple of tricks. 

Advice on games that will help your pup make “right” choices, while  having  fun and burning off some energy.

A stronger bond between you and your pup. The word pup does not only relate to young puppies. 

With these online classes or individual class we can assess and recommend the best training course for your pup - whether he/she is six weeks old or six years old – so that neither your pup nor you will feel frustrated or stressed.

What Do I Need ?

What you will need to do:

-          Email us on, download the form and send back to us

-          Internet.  We have students using their phones, tablets or laptops – all work well.

-          The first initial online meeting will be approxiamately 30 mins long.  It is advisable that the pup be fed a   light meal a couple of hours before training as we need them food motivated.

-          Not necessary but nice to have – dog bed, dog toy, clicker, stable small wooden box.

-          Doggy treats.  We can advise what is the best treat to consider depending on your individual dog.

-          A good sense of humour.  Let’s Train is all about getting the best out of your dog while having fun and strengthening relationship between you and your dog.

-          No punishment, shouting, shock collars, prong collars etc. will be permitted.


We are able to do Skype consultations (private) to address any individual concerns / progress feedback.

What's App

A What's App meeting can be arranged where your individual concerns are addressed.  A meeting time will be scheduled and addressed via What's App video calls or What's App messages and video clips.

In Person

At times it may be necessary to meet in person - either at your home, work or at K9 Academy.  This is best when having to assess a certain behaviour concern.